EEO Report Planning Kits

Each year the Governor’s Office of Equal Opportunity requests information about the demographics and new state employees in each agency. This data is then aggregated into a summary form and presented to our Governor for his review.

In recognition of its legal and moral obligations, each Agency commits itself and the Director to a policy of nondiscrimination and principles of Equal Employment Opportunity.

To ensure the dissemination and implementation of the Equal Opportunity Program throughout all levels of the Department an Equal Employment Opportunity Administrator is appointed and serves as the liaison for the Agency.

Your agency's calendar year Equal Employment Opportunity Report (EEO-4 Report)should be sent to our office no later than close of business on the last day of February of each year.

Please submit all required EEO-4 reporting documents electronically to: [email protected].

We will not accept reports in paper form. Keep your originals as your official EEO-4 Report.

The forms below are fillable, and can be downloaded and completed via computer. In order to fill in your information electronically, you may need to download and open them in Adobe.

Agencies with 50 or more FTEs are required to submit:

  • Letter to the Governor
  • Strategic Plan and Complaint Form
  • Non-Discrimination Policy
  • HRIS EEO-4 Reports

Agencies with fewer than 50 FTS are required to submit:

  • Letter to the Governor
  • Complaint Form
  • Non-Discrimination Policy


Complaint Process

If you believe that you have been discriminated against at work because of your race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), national origin, age (40 or older), disability or genetic information, you can file a complaint.

Learn more about the complaint process

Contact Us

Governor’s Office of Equal Opportunity
100 North Fifteenth Avenue, Suite 301
Phoenix, Arizona 85007

[email protected] (General Mailbox)

Director: Chavon Woods
Interim Program Manager: Michelle Ashley